Product Description
佛手柑香露 是芸香料植物佛手果中之仙品精华配制而
聚缘, 解山岁,松解心灵,提振精神,驱除异味,杀菌功效
有助净化皮肤,收敛毛孔,而且芬芳舒适,使沐浴成为 一种放松神经,舒缓压力的享受。
BergamotShower Cream
Bergamot shower cream is prepared from bergamotfruit which is an aromatic plant
the unique essence of this fairy product helpsto purify the skin with astringent to smooth skin,
eliminate body odors andpeaceful sensation to relax mind.
Everyday shower will enhances good vibes andpositive spirits.
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