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大家对马六甲的kuih piring的认识就是那种上面放满了椰丝里面有椰糖的那种。但是还有一种也叫kuih piring的零食大家应该也不会陌生吧!可能很多人的童年时期都有吃过这个零食,薄薄酥酥的入口就即化,本身就带一点甜味,所以更吸引那些小孩子。
Everyone’s understanding of Malacca’s kuih piring is the kind with shredded coconut on top and coconut sugar inside. But there is another snack called kuih piring that everyone should be familiar with! Many people may have eaten this snack in their childhood. The thin, crispy texture melts in your mouth and has a bit of sweetness, so it is more attractive to children.
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