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紫草防蚊膏 Natural Insect Repellent Ointment



Comfrey insect repellent cream is specially formulated for the constitution that is prone to mosquito bites.
Anti-mosquito, anti-inflammatory, anti-redness and swelling, one ointment~
* The miraculous comfrey can not only reduce inflammation and anti-acne, but also the allantoin in comfrey has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which can make scars heal and promote skin regeneration, and can prevent eczema and sores
*Calendula contains carotene, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects, and can calm and soothe injured skin
Golden Flower Soaking Oil can regulate sensitive skin quality, has the effects of soothing, anti-fatal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, etc., has the effect of anti-free radicals and strengthening cell proliferation, can promote cell regeneration, has the effects of moisturizing, moisturizing, soothing, removing and calming, etc., and can also reduce dark circles, in addition, it has a special effect on pimples, skin skin injuries, diaper rash, skin disease, skin scars, static flexure and bruises.
Sweet almond oil is extremely mild, easily absorbed by the skin, can effectively reduce the appearance of skin rashing, eliminate redness, dryness and inflammation, suitable for all kinds of skin quality, even babies can use it safely.
Rosehip oil is suitable for damaged, overtired, aging skin. Its softness, whitening, and anti-wrinkle effects also have an excellent effect on stretch marks. It can promote tissue renewal and improve scarring. For the treatment of burnt wounds. Knife wounds. Inflammation of the skin is very effective and is suitable for dry, aging, problematic muscles.
Premium citronella oil contains natural antiseptic properties, which can eliminate odors, and is a safe and natural insect repellent effect.
Ingredients: Comfrey soaking oil, calendula soaking oil, sweet almond oil, rosehip oil, extra citronella oil, natural beeswax
Warm reminder:
*This product does not contain any preservatives, please use it within 6 months, or do not use if the paste has an abnormal smell. Store in places where the sun can’t shine directly.
*Babies over 3 months can be smeared, please do not wipe largely, such as used as a mosquito repellent, only need to be smeared on a few points of the body like perfume, so that the lemongrass flavor can be blown out, in order to achieve the effect of mosquito repellent, you can do it.
* Avoid the face and places where the baby can scratch to prevent the baby from rubbing into the mouth or eyes.
*If you have sensitive skin, please do a partial test, and only use it after you have no uncomfortable feelings, thank you!
金盞花浸泡油能調理敏感性膚質,具有舒緩、消腫、抗菌、消炎等功效, 具有抗自由基及強化細胞增殖的功效,能促進細胞再生, 具保濕、滋潤、舒緩、除皺、鎮靜等功效,亦能減退黑眼圈, 此外, 對青春痘、皮膚凍傷、尿布疹、皮膚病、皮膚疤痕、靜脈曲張以及擦傷都有特別效用。
甜杏仁油極為溫和, 易被肌膚吸收, 能有效地減輕皮膚發癢現象, 消除紅腫、乾燥和發炎, 適用於各種膚質, 連嬰兒都可以安心使用。